2018 WESSA Annual Review
WESSA’s Schools and Youth programme (S&Y) has been through an interesting and empowering process of change and transformation. Over the past 18 months, a new strategy was de- veloped which culminated in the establishment of five new pillars in the Schools unit i.e. Eco- Schools, Schools and Youth Entrepreneurship, Water and Energy, Learning about Forests (LEAF) and Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE). Through our work with local learners and teach- ers, we are supporting the national curricula with regard to environmental learning, and equip- ping children to live sustainably. Our school pro- grammes are aligned to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and as a key partner of the Global Action Programme of UNSECO, we report our activities via this mechanism. We are proud to report that we now have all three school programmes under the FEE banner as part of the WESSA offering and we are the FEE designated national operator in South Africa. With almost four million youth currently out of work, preparing young people for the world is vital to our economic and social sustainability. Hence, we have designed five new programmes under our Schools and Youth Entrepreneurship pillar, which target early childhood through to school youth. Our vision is to create an enthusiastic youth sec- tor, who are empowered to advance sustainable, social, economic and environmental agendas in their lives and in the workplace.
In 2017/2018:
1 025 000 learners participated in the S&Y programmes
1 434 schools participated in the S&Y programmes
40 916 teachers participated in the S&Y programmes
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