2018 WESSA Annual Review
WESSA is a 92-year-old youth- ful and vibrant organisation and we are extremely proud of our rich history in South African con- servation and environmental ed- ucation. WESSA researches, de- velops and implements focused accredited and non-accredited environmental, ecotourism, ed- ucation and youth development programmes throughout South Africa. We are the sole and proud im- plementor of all the internation- al Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) programmes in South Africa, as well as an im- plementor of choice of various youth programmes on behalf of government and the private sector. Our youth education programmes under the banners of Eco-Schools, Learning about Forests, Young Reporters for the Environment and Youth Entre- preneurship, together with our
four outdoor education centres, make a critical contribution to youth development by involving the 1 036 000 learners and 41 400 teachers we have a reach to every year. We are developing and giving hands-onwork experience to800 unemployed youth by means of our Blue Flag, Green Coast and other Youth Programmes. We have a volunteer member- ship footprint throughout the country, with passionate mem- bers ensuring that local conser- vation and environmental issues are addressed. We are indeed ‘People Caring for the Earth’ and we invite you to join us in our quest to become champions of the environment and achieving a more sustain- able South Africa for all.
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