2018 WESSA Annual Review
Current Partners • DEA-NRM Training Working for Water • Cape Nature • WESSA YES NC & FS • WESSA Working For Ecosystems • WESSA Tourism Blue Flag • WESSA Tourism Green Coast • DUCT • Groundtruth • Children of the Wilderness • Champions of the environment • Aller River Project New contracts include DEA-YES, Children of the Universe, Cape Nature, DEA-NRM. Tourism Green Coast is another new con- tract funded by NDT and involves training 100 stewards for their Tourism Guiding qualification. This is still in the planning phase. Since receiving additional qualification ac- creditation, all marketing material for our training offering has been improved and is available on our website, social media
and email to prospective clients. Goals for 2018/2019 include growing non-govern- ment funded clients, launching an online training platform and expanding our qual- ifications offerings. The Work Skills unit is registered as an accredited training pro- vider with the ETDPSETA, LGSETA, CATHS- SETA and FP&MSETA. Many of our aims are described by UNE- SCO in the 2030 plan, particularly SDG 4, that compels nations to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education, and pro- mote lifelong learning opportunities for all, including substantially increasing the number of youth and adults who have rel- evant skills, including technical and voca- tional skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship; eliminating gen- der disparities in education; and ensuring equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable, in- cluding persons with disabilities and chil- dren in vulnerable situations.
Training Successes:
12 185 people trained
3 national qualifications
530 credits across four SETA’s
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