2018 WESSA Annual Review
Professor Michael Kidd
We are happy to say that the executive management team at WESSA is performing admirably in areas such as financial security and human resources management. WESSA still stands at the forefront of environmental education. Whether the focus is on our Eco Schools programme, with close to 900 mem- ber schools and growing; our education cen- tres; or the highly-successful Work Skills unit; our educational focus is indeed impressive. One of our assets that is really a hallmark of WESSA is the uMngeni Valley reserve, that was running at a loss, and we even consid- ered selling the land at one stage. With an innovative new plan known as e-Steam – Sci- ence, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths within an environmental context – the centre is now running in the black and there are am- bitious but not unrealistic plans to improve even more. Our Bush Pigs centre in Modi- molle, Limpopo, is undergoing significant cap- ital improvements in order to build upon the loyal support it has received from numerous schools in the Gauteng region. WESSA is also heavily involved in various ecotourism initia- tives such as the well-known and established international Blue Flag Beach Programme; WESSA’s new Green Coast initiative; and an- other international eco-label, the Green Key in the hospitality industry. In keeping with our approach to public participation, WESSA also has projects aimed at youth development, where we have been identified as a quality implementer of large government-funded programmes, including two new Youth Envi- ronmental Services Programmes in the Free State and Northern Cape provinces. We still have some member groups directly involved in wildlife conservation, while our Ecological Infrastructure and Sustainability programme is currently aimed at combating one of the
world’s biggest threats to biodiversity: alien and invasive species. I have not mentioned every initiative in which WESSA is involved, but it is clear that in those areas in which we are working, we are produc- ing professional services and are giving very careful consideration on how to remain rele- vant and ahead of the game. At the WESSA annual Strategic Indaba, not only was the substantive thinking impressive, but one could not but be impressed by the energy, spirit and committed teamwork of the sixty-odd employees present. It left us confi- dent of the direction that WESSA is taking. From a Board perspective, we are tweaking things on an ongoing basis in order to ensure the optimal combination of expertise in rela- tion to both corporate governance and WES- SA’s substantive focus, as well as a fair demo- graphic representation. I am convinced that we have a highly competent and committed set of Board Members and I am proud to be at the head of such a team. I particularly want to thank Dr Howard Hendricks, whose sage sup- port as vice-chair is always appreciated. I also want to give special thanks the two regional representatives on the board, Dr Jenny Gon and Dr Paul Bartels, whose efforts particularly in relation to membership and improving its structure in the organisation have often gone beyond what could reasonably be expected. I firmly believe that we are in a position where we can face our uncertain future with confi- dence and continue to be leaders in promot- ing participation in caring for the Earth.
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