AECI Eco-Schools Progress Report July 2019
3.3 Please indicate your planned activities for this year and what you have been able to achieve to date:
Remedial Action Plan
Planned outcomes and activities Support visit 1: Project monitoring and evaluation (October 2018 and January 2019) Workshop: Cluster workshop for educators and groundsmen to plan projects for the year to start implementing (15 February 2019) Support visit 2: Completing audits and Eco-Codes (May 2019)
Actual Performance
Reason For Variance The activity successfully achieved.
All first visits were implemented. The monitoring and evaluation of the previous projects by identifying what worked and where we need to improve to help plan the new Eco- Schools year. From the M&E process we found that the recycling company is not collecting at the schools. The workshop was completed and the schools chose water as their second year theme. This visit focused on the issues of water in the area. The schools did the water audit and identified where water points (drinking containers and tippy taps) can be placed for learners to drink water and wash hands. The water dispensers were provided to the schools and placed at identified water points. The start of the installation of Jojo tanks at strategic places based on each school’s need, either at the school’s ablution blocks or the garden where water was most needed. The focus was on sanitation awareness as well as making the school’s ablution blocks more beautiful by placing signs up about health and hygiene. Tippy taps were installed close to the ablution blocks for learners to wash hands. Underneath each of the tippy taps, where the learners wash their hands, a bucket was placed to catch the water and the support staff then used this captured water to clean the ablution blocks after school each day.
recycling company schools.
The activity successfully achieved.
The activity successfully achieved.
Support visit 3: Start implementing projects (June 2019)
The activity successfully achieved.
Support visit 4: Continue with implementation of projects (July 2019)
The activity successfully achieved.
Teacher Workshop 2 (August 2019) Support visit 5: Continue with implementation (August 2019) Support visit 6: Compilation of school portfolio (September 2019)
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