African Wildlife And Environment Issue 73
can be found along the Levubu river drive, especially from the picnic site to Crooks Corner. This drive also includes some fine Baobab specimens This area straddles both subtropical and tropical bird ranges, making it one of the best birding habitats in the country. This area is the southern limit for a number of these bird species, such as the Bohms Spinetail. Visitors search the tall trees along the Levubu riverine drive for the elusive Pel’s Fishing Owl, especially when the river is deeper and flowing. Large numbers of Nyala family groups are regularly seen along these river drives and often come into the
Mahonie loop road around the Punda Maria hill. This approximately 27 km route through moist woodlands gives one many opportunities to find several special birds such as Narina Trogon, Grey-headed Parrot, Broad-billed Roller, and Mosque Swallow, to name but a few. Termite mounds are a prominent feature in this landscape and support dense thickets that are the only known habitat in Kruger of the tiny Suni antelope. Attempts have been made over the years to introduce additional suni antelope from KwaZulu Natal, but they remain extremely rare. Magnificent stands of Fever trees, Nyala trees and iLala palms
15 | African Wildlife & Environment | Issue 73 (2019)
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