African Wildlife And Environment Issue 73

Family group of Nyala common along the Levubu river drive

the Punda Maria area with the lowest to the north, Pafuri and Pafuri gate (362 mm). Average December and July temperatures are 39.7°C and 8.5°C. The summer months (October to April) can be extremely hot and often balmy. Winters are warm and mild but the temperature cools down rapidly at night. Dress warmly when participating in night drives, as it can become very cold, especially in the drainage lines. Accommodation This article focuses on the SANParks side, but accommodation is also available at the community

animals such as Impala, Bushbuck, Kudu, Nyala and buffalo, five packs of endangered Wild Dog have been observed in the area. The sandveld communities are among some of the most interesting habitats of the region. West of Punda Maria, sandstone hills and densely wooded flat areas are the dominant natural features. The plant communities found here are very diverse, and no single tree predominates. Climate This is a summer rainfall area with very dry winters. Annual rainfall is from 300 -700 mm, which is the lowest in the park. The highest rainfall is recorded in

17 | African Wildlife & Environment | Issue 73 (2019)

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