African Wildlife And Environment Issue 73
A fallen Fever-thorn alongside Nyamithi Pan in Ndumu
THE VALUE OF TREES 1. Most of us are urbanites and we know that trees help keep this space beautiful and increase biodiversity by proving a habitat for animals. Trees add texture and colour, and provide shade and food. They have enormous amenity value. 2. Trees halt and prevent soil loss, and increase water percolation. Yes, trees also use water; thus, where and what is planted is a consideration. HOWEVER, all plants use water, but not all plants provide the landscape with the ecological services that trees provide. 3. Trees improve air and water quality – mitigating climate change. Carbon dioxide in and oxygen out! Later the trees can provide timber and wood – a renewable resource! 4. Finally, trees help us psychologically. We now know that all humans need to know something about Nature in some form or another for their own sanity, trees can provide us with much of what we need.
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