African Wildlife And Environment Issue 73
2 3 4
Letters to the editor
Good reads
Conservation 7
Dendrohydrology – A new branch of environmental sciences
Destination 10 Exploring the Kruger National Park from Punda to Pafuri Fauna, Flora & Wildlife 23 Planting trees and ensuring the future 26 Old and new bush chariots 32 Create a bush clump
Page 10 Punda to Pafuri
Page 22 Planting trees
Environmental Education 36 Artworks to inspire recycling Birding 40 The Pied Avocet Branches 45 Springs-Nigel Subscriptions / General 46 WESSA membership
Page 40 Pied Advocat
Page 36 Oil recycling winners
Published by:
47 Leaving a legacy 48 Subscription form
Consulting Editor John Ledger Production Manager John Wesson Design & Layout Marlene McKay Editorial John & Jenny Wesson
Copyright ©AfricanWildlife & Environment.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by and means, electronic or mechanical without the prior written permission of the publisher. African Wildlife & Environment retains the right to make alterations to any material submitted. The publisher, while exercising due care, cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to material submitted. The views expressed in this magazine do not necessarily reflect those of WESSA. Copyright on all content belongs to WESSA and the individual contributors.
Tel +27 31 201 3126
Cover photo : Typical view of the Levubu river drive between the Pafuri picnic site and Crooks corner © John Wesson
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