African Wildlife & Environment Issue 74

Acacia erioloba (the camel thorn - now Vachellia erioloba ) is easily recognised in the Kalahari

Tree books, what is a tree and OTHER THINGS WOODY

Eugene Moll Here in South Africa we are blessed by having a large number of tree books that range from those that endeavour to include a comprehensive list of all our now 2,100 tree species, to those that specialise in one genus or taxonomic group, to those that focus regionally or simply include a small number of some trees. All these books have their own specific pros and cons. No matter who you are, you will find most, if not all, of these books meet some, but not necessarily all the criteria, you may wish; or you thought they would include. I think that is the very nature of the publishing world that readers have their views on what they think a book would/should include, while the author(s) may have had a different set of criteria!

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