African Wildlife & Environment Issue 77 FINAL ISSUE
Abygale Aardvark and herWildlife Friends Hurry, Lynn (2020) Abygale Aardvark and her Wildlife FriendsWorking together for a better life . Briza Publications, Pretoria. Hard cover, 280X210mm, 104 pp, illustrated throughout with colour photographs and images. ISBN 978-920217-72-3. Price R 265.00. Will also be available as an eBook on the Briza website ISBN numbers for the eBook 978-1-920217-85-3. Both versions due for release in January 2021. Abygale Aardvark and her Wildlife Friends is a carefully researched and invitingly presented book for readers of all ages by well-known South African environmental writer Dr Lynn Hurry. While each of the 20 accounts of fascinating facts is introduced and commented on by fictional character Abygale Aardvark, she leaves the actual story-telling to the real wildlife characters themselves so that Aardvarks, Aardwolves, Giraffes, Hornbills, Baboons, White-eyes, Impala, Red-billed Oxpeckers, Cape Buffalo, Red-chested
Cuckoos and even Honey-Bees and Termites have a chance to tell their stories – of who they are ‘friends’ with and how they work together ‘for a better life’. At the back of the book three sections add considerable interest to the book: What’s in a name? is an important section at the back of the book which adds fascination for readers by providing explanations of all the scientific names of the animals in the stories Make your own cardboard cut-out badges is an encouragement to readers to get involved with wildlife conservation; and Abygale’s Glossary which provides simple explanations of some of the words in each story. Every story has a final message – that every animal species, from a sparrow to a crocodile needs the help of everyone if they are to survive into the future and this book is an open invitation for all to participate.
POETRY COMPETITION To win a copy of Abygale Aardvark and herWildlife Friends why not enter the Abygale Aardvark poetry competition?Write a humorous poem of not more than 10 lines about the life of a wild aardvark and send it in marked Abygale Aardvark Poetry Competition to Lynn Hurry at Briza Publications has donated books to three lucky winners – so why not get writing! Entries are open to everyone aged twelve or younger. Entries close on the 30th January 2021 and the three winning poems will be published in AfricanWildlife and Environment - the magazine of theWildlife and Environment Society of South Africa. If you’d like to contact author Lynn Hurry, he can be reached via email
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