African Wildlife & Environment Issue 77 FINAL ISSUE


Renosterveld Curtis-Scott, Odette, Mike Goulding, Nick Helme, Rhoda McMaster, Sean Privett & Charles Stirton (2020). Field Guide to Renosterveld of the Overberg . Struik Nature, an imprint of Penguin Random House South Africa (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town. Soft cover, 15x21 cm, 488 pp, illustrated in colour throughout with photographs and sketches. ISBN 978- 1-77584 -580-5. R290.

Three hundred years ago, before European farmers settled in the region, the Renosterveld supported large numbers of big game, including Black Rhino, Eland and the now extinct Bluebuck and Quagga. It was also possibly a far grassier system, with some areas even having a very high Rooigras Themeda triandra component, with a much higher plant diversity. The combination of grazing and browsing game animals of varying sizes maintained the diversity and structure of this system. Sadly, the replacement of large game animals with small selective feeders, such as cattle and sheep, combined with years of poorly- informed management (over-grazing and too little or too much burning) has allowed extensive areas of this special veld to become severely degraded and dominated by ‘unwanted’ shrubs, such as Renosterbos Elytropappus rhinocerotis. The result is that over 95% has been irreversibly converted to croplands, rendering what remains of this vegetation type in urgent need of conservation attention. Despite these incredibly high levels of threat, Renosterveld has retained an extraordinary diversity and no less than six new plant species were discovered in 2012. These discoveries, along with the countless records of rare, endemic and threatened species are testament to the importance and biodiversity worth of this overlooked and under-valued habitat. This Field Guide is an important record of this unique and severely threatened ecosystem, and will be a vital addition to any nature lover’s bookshelf.

Part of the Fynbos biome, Renosterveld is one of the world’s most threatened vegetation types, with just 5% of its original extent remaining. Focusing specifically on the Renosterveld of the Overberg region in the Western Cape, this field guide is the first of its kind to cover this highly endangered ecosystem, characterised by nutrient- rich soil which has been exploited for agriculture. This is an outstanding, multi-author publication. An in-depth introduction sets the scene, defining what Renosterveld is and giving some historical background to the ecology of the area. The plant section follows, featuring over 980 plant species from the common and ‘showy’ to the weird, obscure and often-overlooked. A shorter section of 140 animal species showcases the diversity of creatures found here, despite severe habitat loss and fragmentation. Additional features include a glossary with supporting illustrations, guidelines for landowners and farmers, and a comprehensive index.

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