African Wildlife & Environment Issue 79_final


multitudes of other organisms, including bacteria and fungi, as well as specially adapted plants, reptiles, birds and mammals; • Features some 1,600 photographs to depict the region's insects and phenomena described in the text; • Includes a guide to each of the 25 insect orders found in southern Africa, with images showing representative species.

"I am very grateful to Struik, particularly Helen de Villiers and Janice Evans who included me in the design work and patiently listened to my ideas and implemented them, and produced something even better than I had envisioned. I must also add, though, that without Hennie’s breathtakingly beautiful photographs we could never have produced a book such as this – so everybody – please raise your glasses to Hennie!" All of us at WESSA and beyond should raise our glasses to the authors and publishers of this magnificent and ground-breaking book. In its 448 pages you will find this and more: • Reflects the essential role insects play in most ecological processes such as pollination, predation, parasitism, soil modification and nutrient recycling; • Details how insects serve as food for

Don't forget to get the new Sasol Checklist of Birds in Southern Africa ISBN: 9781775847571 Recommended Price: R50.00

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