African Wildlife & Environment Issue 79_final
Bryan Havemann General Manager Selati Game Reserve
possible irregularities with regards to the previous prospecting licence history as indicated above. We have also received conflicting information via the Public Access to Information Act (PAIA) process and the information provided by the EAP consultants. Selati is however concerned that the DMRE could make an irrational decision in granting the MR licence, and thus we will continue to do what is necessary to resist this application. All the relevant documentation is available if anyone needed more information. Please contact Bryan by e-mail or telephone – details below. We plead with all conservation-minded people to please lend your weight to opposing this MR application so that we can conserve the incredible scenic beauty and amazing biodiversity of the Selati Game Reserve not only now, but also for future generations. I am reminded of the saying, “Right is right even if nobody does it and wrong is still wrong even if everybody does it”. Let us do the right thing and see the broader picture within the Greater Kruger landscape.
064 648 3698 Alan duToit Vice-Chairman, Selati Game Reserve Chairman, SelatiWilderness Foundation. 082 855 4818
BREAKING NEWS On 9 June we were summoned by DMRE to attend a meeting at very short notice with Tiara Mining. Because of the objections received, and the fact that the Selati Game Reserve is at the final stages of applying for full Protected Area status, Mike Scholtz, the owner of Tiara Mining, has decided to withdraw this mining application. They will reapply, but will not include any of the farms within the Selati Game Reserve. So it seems like the pending 'Protected Area' status through our Management Plan submission was a key reason why they are withdrawing the mining right application.This is a huge win for biodiversity conservation!
35 | African Wildlife & Environment | Issue 79 (2021)
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