African Wildlife & Environment Issue 79_final


Besides Olive Sunbirds, no less than 15 other bird species have been recorded to gain sustenance from Halleria lucida . (Photograph: P Vos.)

In dry, shallow soil it becomes a relatively slow grower and remains a roundish shrub, especially if shaped by frost, which it can tolerate to a moderate extent. In contrast, in moist forest conditions, it is fast growing and can become a fairly tall tree. Single specimens of H. lucida have a drooping habit with a spreading crown but, because they are often multi-stemmed, they can be planted in rows and clipped to form a hedge or screen. The natural distribution area, which is from theWestern Cape to tropical Africa, includes most of the eastern part of the country and, occurring from almost sea level to an altitude of over 2 200 meters, H. lucida is found as far inland as the Free State as well as in virtually the whole of Gauteng. It has two indigenous 'cousins', H. elliptica which is a shrub or dwarf shrub and H. ovata which is usually a shrub. While the former also occurs elsewhere in Africa, in this country

The flowers are followed by berries, which start off green and delight fruit-eaters once ripe.

38 | African Wildlife & Environment | Issue 79 (2021)

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