African Wildlife & Environment Issue 79_final
Yellow Crowned Bishop (Photograph: Albert Froneman)
very rare, as are most of the owl species with the disappearance of the African Grass Owl entirely. Once recorded as the most common owl in the area, the Marsh Owl is also becoming a rare sight. The fauna and flora of the area are also of interest. Mammals recorded are Grey Duiker, Reedbuck, Cape Hare, Hedgehog, Porcupine, Slender-tailed, Water-, Yellow- and Large Grey Mongoose, Cape
clawless- and Spotted-necked Otters, Black- backed Jackal, Cape Fox, Civet and Bushpig. Snakes on record are the Spitting Cobra, the Rinkhals, Striped- and Spotted Grass Snakes, Common House-, and Brown Water Snakes. The following fish have been recorded: Carp, Barbel, Yellow- and Silver Fish. Frogs are represented by the Platana, Raucous-, Guttural- and Red Toads.
Grasslands (Photograph: Albert Froneman)
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