African Wildlife & Environment Issue 81
Ken Tinley at home in Perth ‘passing the torch’ of valuable knowledge to Dominique Gonçalves, manager of elephant ecology in Gorongosa
Accessing Montane to Mangrove Tinley’s original thesis is a massive (420mm X 300mm) publication, necessary to contain the finely drawn details of the 88 illustrations.The 398 page electronic conversion is smaller in size and this has inevitably resulted in the reduction in the size of the illustrations, making the annotations difficult to read for some. Despite this concern Montane to Mangrove is a piece of Africana to treasure and the good news is that this highly recommended work is available as a pdf document that may be downloaded at no charge from here.
Ecological diversity simply explained and an invitation to the readers to delve deeper into its mysteries and understandings. Bookending at its best! Passing the torch Going forward, working with Ken Tinley at the start of the production process of Montane to Mangrove had a number of positive spinoffs - particularly with regard to the upskilling of Mozambican people to fill management roles in the Reserve. An example of this is Dominique Gonçalves, a Mozambican woman who grew up near Gorongosa. Currently completing her PhD in Wildlife Ecology at the University of Kent in the UK, Dominique is the Manager of Elephant Ecology at Gorongosa. In October of 2018, Greg travelled with Dominique to Perth, Australia, to meet Ken and wife Lynne in their home. Ken and Dominique talked for two days. He gave her unpublished notes from his research as the two of them exchanged ideas, passing the torch of Gorongosa science to the next generation.
Dr Lynn Hurry
67 | African Wildlife & Environment | Issue 81 (2022)
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