African Wildlife & Environment Issue 84 2023


is the response from an older man, senior conservancy game guard Bornbright Kufwa. I note that the name Sobbe is derived from a Sifwe expression: that which one owns cannot be taken away. It’s the start of the week and the group exudes energy and enthusiasm. Nearby a woman rakes up leaves and litter that have blown into the fenced yard during the rainstorms of the past weekend.

cattle enclosures. These were being stored safely for stock owners to erect in the next month. Most of the seven women and eight men present were young and would not have been adults in 2006 when Sobbe was gazetted as a conservancy but I asked them anyway why the conservancy had been formed. “To protect our wildlife, especially the elephants who need to move between countries,”

36 | African Wildlife & Environment | Issue 84 (2023)

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