African Wildlife & Environment Issue 85
An Energetic Englishman Stewart, Roger & Marion Whitehead (2022). Burchell’s African Odyssey. Revealing the return journey 1812 1815 . Hard cover, 18 x 24 cm, 248 pp, illustrated in colour and black and white with photographs, artwork and maps. ISBN 978-1-77584-815 -8. Struik Nature, an imprint of Penguin Random House South Africa (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town. RRP: R450.
William John Burchell (1781 1863) disembarked from his ship in Cape Town in November 1810. Horticulture and botanic gardens were in his genes. His paternal grand uncle, William Burchell (c1725-c1800) had acquired the Fulham Nursery and Botanical Gardens in 1764. It was located about 5 km west of London on the north bank of the Thames River. This grand-uncle had himself been an apprentice gardener, then a professional gardener, and on his
Burchell's Coucal(Photograph: John Wesson)
11 | African Wildlife & Environment | Issue 85 (2024)
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