African Wildlife & Environment Issue 85
and cooled, is an effective remedy for treating inflammation and bleeding gums.There has been a lot of research done on the Moepel tree root to treat tuberculosis. This is also made as a tea and taken twice daily over a two-week period. In a future article I will share with you one of my favourite recipes for Moepel fruit jam and hope you will enjoy it as I do, served with fresh homemade pot bread. It keeps well in the pantry for the winter months. Although I share my recipes willingly, please do make sure you accurately identify the plants and trees that we use for foraging, If you are unsure of a plant, please ask an expert before picking, eating or using plants medicinally. Your safety counts!
Margaret Roberts Herbal Centre Box 41, De Wildt, 0251 Tel: 071 161 6441 012 001 4142 (mornings only) Fax: 086 531-7669 Email:
The Herbal Centre is in the Hartbeespoort / De Wildt area (GPS: -25° 41° 03.25°, +27° 55° 04.06°) on the way to Brits, against the northern slopes of the great Magaliesberg. We are located against the mountain and therefore have bad cell-phone reception. Please SMS if your call doesn’t reach us, we will gladly return your call. Hours of business • EVERY Monday to Friday. Office open for your calls, emails, bookings and orders. • Monday – Group bookings and lectures. • Tuesday – Group bookings and lectures. • Wednesday – 8:30 – 4pm. Open to the public. • Thursday – Group bookings and lectures. • Friday – Group bookings / and lectures. • Saturday – Only the first Saturday of each month is open to the public from 8h30 – 4pm. • See the events page for specials dates. • Sunday – Group lunch bookings & Wedding Functions ONLY.
MOEPEL CAKES AND JAM CAKES 2 Cups pitted moepels Pinch of Salt Method
Squash or blend ingredients and mould into round cakes bout 10cm in diameter and 1cm thick. Allow to dry in the sun for a day or two. Always bring in at night and cover with muslin to keep the flies off. JAM 200g moepels, pitted and skinned 800g apricots, pitted 900g sugar Method Combine ingredients and simmer for 20 minutes until set. Bottle in sterilised jars.
For more information read Indigenous Healing Plants by Margaret and Sandy Roberts. Available at major book outlets or order direct via SMS on 071 161 6441.
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