African Wildlife & Environment Issue 85
Dr Margaret Jacobsohn is a renowned, award-winning anthropologist, conservationist and author based in Namibia. With her partner, the late Garth Owen Smith, she was co-founder of the IRDNC (Integrated Rural Development and Nature Conservation), an NGO pioneering community conservation in Kunene Province. She is Chair of the GOSCARs and a Trustee of Conservancy Safaris Namibia Dr M Jacobsohn:
wildlife there is and how different species use the corridors. See African Wildlife & Environment # 84, 2023, pp 34-40) “We love our wildlife and we know we must manage it, not merely protect it. Wildlife meets the needs of different sectors – tourists, hunters, communities.We simply cannot ignore that people are living here alongside wild animals and we must take community needs into account in everything we do. That’s what people from developed countries do not seem to realize.” Kwando Carnivore Project/Kwando Carnivores Trust PO Box 8027, Kongola, Zambezi Region,
Namibia. +264 811294060
48 | African Wildlife & Environment | Issue 85 (2024)
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