African Wildlife and Environment Issue 67


Campulodinium macrocephalum and Wild Verbena Verbena rigida has reached massive proportions, and this is actually beyond the capacity of the Friends of Rietvlei to address. However, Friends of Rietvlei have started tackling invasions by Wattles Acacia dealbata , A. decurrens and A. mearnsii and Penny Gum Eucalyptus cinerea . Recently, with the help of a few volunteers and two tree poppers, between 600 and 1 000 trees and sapling were removed. More poppers have been bought to be used in future work sessions tackling these invasive trees. The alien species around the hides will also be controlled on a continual basis. For the rest of 2017, work sessions will take place every month from August to November. Guided day hikes are arranged by the FOR committee every two months, which can accommodate 100 hikers. These hikes are a big draw card for both FOR members and non-members, and the funds raised support all of the Friends of Rietvlei activities. The Friends of Rietvlei committee has welcomed a new member, Davie Malan, who is actively

involved in various maintenance and improvement projects at the angling area in the Reserve, including planting of trees, cleaning the dam of old line and sinkers, treatment of wooden poles, pothole repairs, bathroom maintenance and much more. For more information on the activities of Friends of Rietvlei and how to get involved, please see details below. The calendar of monthly events is available on the website. Facebook:


General enquiries: Hike enquiries:

45 | African Wildlife & Environment | 67 (2017)

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