Birds of the Magaliesberg 2023

The rocky northern slopes

African Pygmy Kingfishers occur in the northern woodlands. Corn Crake have been recorded especially when there has been an abundance of rain and temporary wetlands form in the valley grasslands. The rocky hills provide an ideal habitat for Cinnamon -breasted buntings while on the high mountain plateau one finds the Cape Bunting with the Golden -breasted occurring in the more bushveld areas. At night at night most species of owls are found including white faced scops, Pearl spotted and the scops, especially around farmsteads and in The Woodlands. The spotted eagle owl is found throughout the area often seen perched on light poles or fence poles hunting at night.The African grass owl is known to occur in the open farm areas so be on the lookout on low fences for this bird. nightjars are also found in the area, the fiery- necked is often found along the farm roads and one can hear the well-known good Lord deliver us call throughout the night. If you are moving along the mountains or hills one can often hear the plopping call of the freckled nightjar that frequents the rocky hillsides of the Magaliesberg On the south side the Xanadu wetlands used to provide home for African grass Owl and Marsh Owl. This area is also good for several duck species including Knob-billed and White-backed duck. Little Bittern are also regularly seen. Xanadu is a good place to find the Mountain Chat that is found on the houses in the estate especially to the south of the river This region is also good for birds of prey with the most common one being the black winged kite often seen on power lines along the roadsides.The black chested snake eagle is often seen flying high overhead in search of prey while in the woodland if one is lucky one will find birds like Wahlberg’s eagle and then during summer the common Buzzard the peregrine and Lanner Falcons occur along the Crest of the mountain sometimes roosting in in tall blue gums in the valley. The Little Sparrowhawk is often seen hunting along farm roads.

Hikers enjoying a bird walk on one of the farms

Klaas’s Cuckoo

BIRDS OF THE Magaliesberg Biosphere | Page 90

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