EK Vol 38 Nature & YOU!
GET IN TOUCH: Write to us at EnviroKids, P.O. Box 30145, Tokai, 7966 or email envirokids@wessa.co.za.
ISSN 1995-6703 Reg. No. 05/04658/08 Official quarterly publication of the Wildlife and Environment Society of SA (incorporated association, not for gain). Registered NPO 000-716
WESSA’s quarterly magazine for young eco-champions
SUBSCRIBE Email envirokids@wessa.co.za or contact 073 963 4663 ADVERTISE/SPONSOR Email envirokids@wessa.co.za or contact 073 963 4663 WESSA MEMBERSHIP Visit www.wessa.co.za, email wessamembers@wessa.co.za or contact 031 201 3126
Regulars 1
Dear Enviro Kids Did you know that some kids spend so much time indoors that researchers have come up with a fancy name for it: nature deficit disorder (NDD)? We can do amazing things with our internet-enabled devices – like learn even more about the environment – but our minds and bodies also need to experience the world around us. This issue of EnviroKids is all about celebrating and connecting with nature. Being “connected” today often means being in touch with your friends via social media or online chats. But here we’re talking about a different, special, ancient kind of connection: your relationship with the natural world . First we take a look at how nature supports us – it gives us so much, including food, water, shelter, medicine and plenty of joy (see page 4 for more of nature’s “services” to us).
Ed’s letter Enviro-news
13 14 16
Entertainment corner
[NEW] Welcome, young rangers!
I love my job! Q&A with an expert tracker
Editor: Renata Harper envirokids@wessa.co.za 073 963 4663
22 Cool school
Special features Nature in our lives
Designer: Marlene McKay
Photo: Alison Dingle
4 6 8
Inspired to play more, we put together some crazy new “bushveld yoga” poses (see page 10). Send in a photo of your wild pose and you could win a prize!
Nature play at uMngeni Valley
Printed by: BusinessPrint
Local celebs make their pledge to nature
10 Wild yoga
With thanks to Roberta Griffiths, Catherine Ritchie, Eugene Moll, Jenny Duvenage and the team at WESSA Howick for additional support. Publisher: Wildlife and Environment Society of SA, P.O. Box 394, Howick, 3290 www.wessa.org.za
This issue is also about getting outdoors... exploring! We’re here to remind you to play , especially if you feel lots of pressure to do well at school. Because play – especially in nature – is good for you! Take a look at what we think is the ultimate playground , on page 6. Then tell us: what’s your favourite nature activity? Comedian Eureka Nkese, featured in our story on celebrity pledges to nature (page 8), likes to do somersaults! I love to hike, but only with friends who don’t mind if I stop along the way to investigate pretty grasses or interesting tracks. By the way, for top tips on tracking, see our interview with an expert tracker on page 16. His story about a black rhino charge made me laugh till my tummy ached! It’s been fun! Catch you later, Renata P.S. All photo credits with an asterix (*) were shortlisted entries to a big photo competition held last year to celebrate WESSA’s 90th birthday. Thanks to the many photographers whose work celebrates nature in this issue.
Games, puzzles & art 18 Which animal are you? 20 Word search 21
Let’s make this! Colour-in mask
Win, win, win! 8
Make a pledge to nature (win a copy of Mr Hare Meets Mr Mandela )
Cover photo © WESSA Additional artwork © Depositphotos (unless stated otherwise)
Create a wild yoga pose (win an online wildlife course)
20 Word search
(win a copy of Tracker Manual: A Practical Guide to Animal Tracking in Southern Africa )
The views expressed in this magazine do not necessarily reflect those of the Wildlife and Environment Society of SA. Copyright on all content belongs to WESSA and the individual contributors. No part may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the publisher. Photocopies may be made for non-profit educational purposes provided the source of the material is clearly acknowledged. EnviroKids is printed on paper created exclusively from chemical rather than mechanical pulp, making it less susceptible to yellowing. The paper contains FSC, CoC and PEFC certified wood products from sustainable forests. Inks used are non-toxic, biodegradable, and made from plant oils and resins.
We’re excited to announce our collaboration with Junior FGASA. This new series is full of the best ranger tips, tricks and tools as well as plenty of activities to try at home. Learn how you can become a Junior FGASA “ranger” on page 14.
20 Competitions entry form 21 Colour-in mask
These handy curriculum notes show teachers which EnviroKids articles can be used in the classroom.
(win a set of 5 creative nature masks)
EnviroKids Vol. 38(2), Winter 2017 1
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