EnviroKids 38 Marine & Blue Flag Summer 2017
We love to receive your letters, poems, stories, photos and artwork! Send your entries to EnviroKids, P.O. Box 30145, Tokai, 7966 or envirokids@wessa.co.za . Please include a title as well as your name,
age, telephone number, email address and postal address.
Each of these creative Enviro Kids wins a mystery prize!
Greening our school The Eco-Club at Collegiate Junior for Girls, Eastern Cape, recently planted a succulent garden. Here the four house captains are planting spekboom, known as ‘the wonder plant’ because of its excellent ability to absorb carbon dioxide.
French knitting with a difference
My Ndebele doll by Ntsumo Khoza (6) Lebone II College of the Royal Bafokeng, North West
To rhinos and recycling! The most recent winner of the annual WESSA Namphelia Ostrich Recycling Award is the International School of South Africa in Mafeking, North West. Their sculpture reminds us to protect the iconic rhino species and it works as a funky recycling bin for cans. Alinde Mdlokovama (12) and his classmates from Observatory Junior School, Western Cape, used toilet rolls and ice cream sticks to knit marvellous scarves as part of a class project for a Wrigley Litter Less campaign.
Woohoo! Students at Crawford Prep in Sandton, Gauteng, used recycled materials to make signposts directing delegates to their owl, earthworm and Ndebele doll workshops held at this year’s Gauteng Eco-Schools awards ceremony.
22 EnviroKids Vol. 38(4), Summer 2017
Compiled by Renata Harper
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