EnviroKids October 2018 Issue
Status Key • Extinct (EX)
ENDANGERED Cheetah – Critically Endangered
Natural Resources Animals
• Extinct in the Wild (EW) • Critically Endangered (CR) • Endangered (EN) • Vulnerable (VU) • Near Threatened (NT) • Conservation Dependant (CD) • Least Concern (LC)
"It took 4 million years of evolution for the cheetah to become the exceptional animal it is today and only 100 years for man to place it on the endangered list."- Cheetah Outreach. Loss of habitat, decline in prey, poaching, persecution by livestock farmers, and competition with other large predators threaten the survival of the cheetah.
African Wild Dog – Critically Endangered The African wild dog is Endangered due to habitat loss caused by human over- population, poaching, diseases like rabies and threats from other predators such as lions and hyenas.
Pickergill’s Reed Frog – Critically Endangered This frog is listed as Critically Endangered due to its extremely small habitat (about 9km2). There are a number of threats to the species including urban development, the use of the insecticide, and drain- age for agricultural purposes.
Black Rhino – Critically Endangered Wildlife crime such as poaching and black- market trafficking of rhi- no horn is the dominant reason this creature is Critically Endangered.
As the name suggests, natural resources come from nature, and include air, water, oil, gas, coal, the Sun, wind, animals, trees, plants, mineral resources and land. Sadly, many of our natural resources are threat- ened mainly due to human interference. South Africa is home to some of the world’s most amazing animals, but for various reasons, these crea- tures are threatened and may become extinct in the near future unless we all play our part in conserva- tion. • Overgrazing and soil erosion • Fires (natural and unnatural) • Habitat destruction (building, deforestation) • Farming activities • Road deaths • Natural disasters such as floods • Competition with other animals for food and shelter • Hunting • Natural predators These are the top reasons animals and insects become endangered:
Riverine Rabbit – Critically Endangered The main threat is habitat destruction through cultivation and extensive livestock grazing. Other threats include predators such as domestic dogs, road kills, and inbreeding due to low population numbers.
Other threatened species in South Africa include: African Elephant – Vulnerable African Lion – Vulnerable African Leopard – Vulnerable Geometric Tortoise – Critically Endangered Blue Crane – Vulnerable Pangolin – Vulnerable
Spread the Word! If you see or hear of any suspicious animal abuse/trading etc, report it to authorities. Do not buy animal products such fur coats or snake skin bags or shoes. Thousands of animals die every year for the sake of “fashion”. Don’t use make-up or homecare products that are tested on animals. Products that are not tested are clearly marked with a cruelty-free label, and are just as good, if not better.
Animals are killed illegally for various reasons. Some Eastern cultures believe that rhino horn and lion bones for example, contain medicinal properties – despite the fact that there is no scientific evidence of this. Oth- ers hunt animals for recreational purposes, which is wrong. It is up to all South Africans to protect our natu- ral heritage so that our precious animals aren’t extinct when our children are grown up.
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