PowerPoint Presentation


Upskilling School Educators and Learners in Renewable Energy Technologies for future career pathways into the Green Energy Sector


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Browse through the programme options found at our 5 unique WESSA education centres. Click on the brochure

WESSA Treasure Beach

WESSA uMngeni Valley



ENERGY RESOURCES The exploration and use of renewable, clean sources of energy is vital to the sustainability of South Africa. The WESSA Clean Currents Programme is designed to support South African youth to develop a sustainable lifestyle through various practical projects, equipping them to be able to make a difference in their schools and communities. The programme introduces learners to small-scale and replicable energy interventions that seek to respond to crucial needs identified in their school and community environment.

SUSTAINABLE ENERGY PROJECTS Through this project, learners are introduced to a range of sustainable energy projects which provides them with practical skills to install these projects at their school and communities. The project aims to familiarize high school learners with renewable energy, whilst supporting the CAPS curriculum, and upskilling the students in the technical skills required for a future career path in the renewable energy industry.



Electrical Circuit activities using a Solar PV Panel

How to cook with a solar oven?

Solar Panels Classification

Field Trip to Kathu Solar park

Field Trip to Sishen Solar Park


How to make electricity using a wind turbine?

How does a wind mill work on a farm?

Electrical circuit activities using a Wind Turbine


The chemistry of Methane Gas, and where it comes from

Design a Bio-Gas Digester

The SynGas Stove

The Dibolo-bolo



What are Biofuels?

How do we make Biofuels?

Making Bio-Diesel


The traditional clay stove

Passive heating methods

Energy Audits

The Basa Magogo Fire


Water harvesting using building roofs and Jo-Jo Tanks

Water filtration Systems - Wetland in a Biobottle

Bio-filtration Systems



What is WESSA e-STEAM? WESSA e-STEAM is a groundbreaking holistic action-learning process introduced by WESSA Education Centres, enabling young people to be change makers within their communities. It exposes learners to key skills and techniques for future tertiary education, entrepreneurial opportunities and green work skills requirements. The 8-step process followed at our Education Centres, give learners the practical skills and theoretical background to solve environmental issues within their communities and create potential Entrepreneurship opportunities, through Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics. This is implemented in the form of a new innovation or design or through a campaign or project. The learners design their own ideas/concept, which mean that they have a greater buy in to the idea compared to simply being told what to do. This mostly learner centred approach creates an agency for change within the course participant. The framework incorporates teambuilding, leadership and personal development focused learning that builds self- esteem. Through partnerships with various industry professionals our learners are introduced to other innovations and build a support network on which they can call for support whilst implementing their projects.

Click here to read about e-STEAM: A ground breaking learning process


ENTREPRENEURIAL & ENGINEERING THINKING Most learners who matriculate do not have the skills to start up a business or to generate income. Those learners who have been exposed to the WESSA e- STEAM model of learning will be able to think out of the box and their ability to find practical solutions to everyday problems will set them apart from the rest of the matriculants. Their solutions could be in the form of ground breaking inventions or could simply be things that make life easier for less advantaged people. Either way these solutions could find a market and ultimately lead to the formation of a business and the generation of income. The child that began its life learning theoretical knowledge from text books is now contributing to South Africa’s economy; growing the skills pool within the country and inspiring unemployed youth to follow suite.

CREATIVE THINKING “Biomimicry is a method for creating solutions to human challenges by emulating designs and ideas found in nature.”


• Shelter - cheap; effective building material possibly made by using recycled waste • Food - develop methods of producing more; improving quality; using less space • Water - harvesting and storage; water recycling; • Energy/ electricity/ heat - fire bricks; biodigesters; wind powered generators; solar panels;


WESSA e-STEAM uses Science and the Scientific Method as the backbone of all programmes and processes during the programme. The students involved will be focusing on the following during their programme:

PART 1 Introduction to the research process and task requirements

PART 2 Research topic selection and design, materials and methods to be determined. PART 4 Results analysis and interpretation. Writing up and completion of projects

1. Physical Sciences 2. Natural Science

3. Ecology 4. Physics 5. Biology 6. Environmental Science. 7. GIS and Computer Science

PART 3 Field work and data collection in community where school is from.

At the same time, the students will be conducting experiments and using technical equipment including: 1. Handheld Dataloggers to measure abiotic factors, including Dissolved Oxygen, Temperature, pH, Climatic Conditions, Humidity, 2. Chemistry experiments to measure voltage and current 3. Weather data to measure climatic conditions 4. Statistical analysis of data for graphing, and conclusions

LEARNING MATHS THROUGH WESSA e-STEAM During the WESSA e-STEAMWorkshops, the students will be exposed to the following Mathematics concepts, and lessons as part of the learning process

Data-analysis and processing

Statistical Analysis of data

Measuring and estimations

Curriculum-based Mathematics Concepts

Graphical representations and data- processing

Geometry Calculations

Trigonometry Calculations


UNDERSTANDING ENERGY WITHIN THE CAPS CURRICULUM CONTEXT The WESSA Clean Currents programme links with the following areas of the South African CAPS Curriculum, and is able to support the practical application of learning areas within the classroom:


GRADE 11 - 12 Geography; Physical Science & Electrical Technology


A PROGRESSIVE CURRICULUM PROJECT The programme offers progressive curriculum support for these learners, so that the knowledge and skill set is built up over a period of time, ensuring that the participants are suitably prepared for each programme in a coordinated manner.



STEP 1 - Grade 6: The WESSA e-STEAM Clean Currents Project will assist Grade 6 learners to understand how electricity is provided to our homes. These learners engage with energy and the environmental impacts of energy in South Africa for the Natural Science learning area. STEP 4 - Grade 12: Grade 12 learners are required to complete a data handling task as well as a research/essay writing task, each consisting of 20% of their year mark. The WESSA will support the learners and teachers with a research task (focusing on renewable energy) which will fulfil either or both of these requirement of the curriculum.

STEP 2 - Grade 9: The WESSA e-STEAM Clean Currents Project will focus on electricity circuits, and their relationship to Technology, with a core theme on electricity generation using renewable energy resources, and practical examples of circuitry construction.

STEP 3 - Grade 11: Grade 11 learners are introduced to higher-level concepts of energy resources and sustainability, and will design and implement a positive environmental action through a WESSA

e-STEAM Clean Currents project focusing on sustainable energy resources.

WESSA CLEAN CURRENTS PROJECT SUMMARY Problem Statement: The renewable energy sector in South Africa is experiencing unprecedented growth in local installations of technologies, the establishment of solar and wind farms, and the use of hybrid systems within households across the country. This is in reaction to both the favourable climate conditions that the country has to make such resources efficient, alongside the move away from fossil fuels to power energy, to a more sustainable and green focused energy transition, especially as the country experiences the direct effects of climate change. The question within this context is whether the countries education system is currently producing a pipeline of skilled and knowledgeable youth who can either find meaningful employment in the sector, or become entrepreneurs in this market. While the investment into resources and skills programmes is apparent in training programmes and vocational colleges, the mainstream government education system has a very minimal focus specifically on both knowledge acquisition and skills development amongst youth on specific renewable energy resources. WESSA have developed a set of curriculum-linked activities and programmes that focus on both Primary and High School students and teachers, where educators work within schools to introduce and deliver these programmes to schools who would normally not receive such exposure. The objective of this is to start creating a skill set amongst the future generation of young school leavers who can then enter into this economy and be successful within it.


• Teacher Training in WESSA e-STEAM and Renewable Energy Resources @WESSA Education Centres • 500 Grade 6 & 9 School Educators • 300 Grade 11 & 12 High School Educators • 2 x 5 day / 4 night WESSA e-STEAM Teacher Training Programme focused on Renewable Energy Skills Programmes • All programmes linked directly to school curriculum


• WESSA ON WHEELS Mobile Programmes onsite @ local schools for Grade 6 & 9 Students = Total of 250 WOW Day Programmes delivered • Estimated reach for Gr. 6 & 9 Students = 5000 learners • WESSA e-STEAM Camps delivered to 500 Gr. 11 Learners • WESSA e-STEAM Camps delivered to 300 Gr. 12 Learners • Students selected based on subject streams, and their interests and their Maths and Science abilities. • All programmes linked directly to school curriculum



GOAL 1 To improve the scientific knowledge, and skills set of teachers, primary and high school learners in the renewable energies sector, focusing on specific practical examples of each type, and the use of these resources in everyday life. GOAL 2 To improve the technical ability of all participants to be able to understand what a specific renewable technology is, how it works, how it can be installed, and how it can be used to improve energy efficiency, decrease energy costs and improve the quality of the environment. GOAL 3 To empower and upskill local students and teachers to become environmental leaders in protecting their natural resources, so they can become community changemakers, and use the technologies in their own schools and communities. GOAL 4 To improve the scientific knowledge and understanding of students and teachers in each school, and to assist them with the improvement of their own subject performance in the STEAM subjects.

GOAL 5 To use the e-STEAM Method as a framework for the participants to explore potential business opportunities through the production and sale of locally produced environmentally solutions.


OBJECTIVE 1 To educate and upskill 1000 teachers and 6000 students per year on the science of renewable energy resources, equipment and their practical uses in everyday energy generation OBJECTIVE 2 To use the WESSA e-STEAM Method to ideate at least 100 viable environmental solutions for local communities, and to see them successfully implemented and operated over the long term. OBJECTIVE 3 To use the scientific methodology of e-STEAM, and the subjects covered during programmes to improve the knowledge and understanding of the learners in Science and Mathematics, and to see tangible improvements in their school results. OBJECTIVE 4 To empower successful installations and uses of renewable energy resources within local schools and communities, and to monitor their efficiencies and use. OBJECTIVE 5 To conduct 1 business development training programme for each group participating, and to focus on specific skills for how to develop a small local SMME.

WESSA CLEAN CURRENTS PROJECT PLAN Work plan Groups Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12 Student programmes

Follow-up visits + M&E Follow-up visits + M&E Follow-up visits + M&E Follow-up visits + M&E

Follow-up visits + M&E Follow-up visits + M&E Follow-up visits + M&E Follow-up visits + M&E

Follow-up visits + M&E Follow-up visits + M&E Follow-up visits + M&E Follow-up visits + M&E

Follow-up visits + M&E Follow-up visits + M&E Follow-up visits + M&E Follow-up visits + M&E

Follow-up visits + M&E Follow-up visits + M&E Follow-up visits + M&E Follow-up visits + M&E

Grade 6 learners

Permissions and bookings

WOW pr. 1

WOW pr. 2

WOW pr. 3

WOW pr. 4

WOW pr. 5


Grade 9 learners

Permissions and bookings

WOW pr. 1

WOW pr. 2

WOW pr. 3

WOW pr. 4

WOW pr. 5


Grade 11 learners

Permissions and bookings

e-STEAM camp #1

e-STEAM camp #2


Grade 12 learners

Permissions and bookings

e-STEAM camp #1

e-STEAM camp #2


Teacher programmes

Grade 6 teachers

Permissions and bookings

e-STEAM camp #1

Teacher support services

Grade 9 teachers

Permissions and bookings

e-STEAM camp #1

Teacher support services

Grade 11 teachers

Permissions and bookings

e-STEAM camp #1

Teacher support services

Grade 12 teachers

Permissions and bookings

e-STEAM camp #1

Teacher support services


School and Student Selection Phase PHASE 1 • Grade 6 and 9 groups are selected based upon school location, and previous investments made into schools located around each WESSA Education Centre. Criteria = Previously disadvantaged schools that do have IT and Technology capabilities, and an interest in installing and using renewable energy resources. • Grade 6 and 9 Teachers are selected from each school, based on their Science and Mathematics competency background, and their interest in teaching Physics, Renewables and WESSA e-STEAM. • Grade 11 and 12 Students undergo a targeted selection process, focusing on high achieving students in Mathematic, Physics, and Technology. • Grade 11 and 12 Physics, Mathematics and Technology teachers are selected for training. • Work alongside School Principal, School subject teachers and Department of Education to select students


Curriculum Development and Resource Procurement

• While the school and student selection process is underway, the WESSA Education Team will be developing specific programmes and activities suited to the schools selected for the project. • The programmes will be focused on prevailing weather conditions, locations and access to services, so the programmes can be adapted to each school’s specific needs and infrastructure. • At the same time, the WESSA team will complete all equipment and resource procurement for the programmes and activities, and stationary etc. • The school principals will be included in this process, so assessments can be made of the appropriate needs for each school and student group.


Programme Delivery PHASE 3 • The roll-out of the Education Programmes for grade 6 and Grade 9 students at each school will be completed, using the #WESSA ON WHEELS Methodology, where Education Teams from the 5 WESSA Education Centres will travel to each school and work with each grade level to deliver the specific lessons and activities. • The roll-out of the WESSA e-STEAM Camps for Grade 11 and 12 Students, and the Educator Training will be delivered at each WESSA Education Centre, working alongside the Principals, Grade heads and Educators to coordinate all logisitics and bookings and transport. These programmes will be delivered in collaboration with each school, to ensure a minimal effect on timetables and other students. PHASE 4 • WESSA Education team will conduct bi-monthly follow-up visits for each school, and age-groups, to track the projects and their implementation. • During these visits, further education activities will be delivered in the schools. • WESSA Educators engage with learners to assess project implementation, and to work alongside students to suggest improvements and changes. Bi-Monthly follow-up visits to schools

Project Evaluation and Continuation in Year 2 PHASE 4 • WESSA team evaluate each project, and assess viability of long-term sustainability • WESSA team work alongside schools to create year 2 programme plan • Funding extension • Scaling of projects and scaling of education programmes alongside trained Teachers


How success will be visible?

What we plan to achieve?

How it will be achieved?




• Basic Skills to design and construct basic renewable energy concepts/projects • Environmental awareness- People Caring for the Earth. • Quality Education • Learning- Learners’ curiosity ignited & interest created through hands-on projects to improve environmental learning. • Taking Ownership- of local environment and explore sustainable solutions as possibilities for local economic development. • Inspire- environmental stewardship and action to become climate change resilient communities. • Social capital- a positive relationship between the solar park and local communities forged

• Project onboarding and school selection process with the Department of Basic Education and the Kathu Solar Park • Grade 6, 9 & 11 Camps, including visits to the Solar Parks and WESSA e-STEAM programmes • Teacher Training in WESSA e- STEAM Framework • Grade 12 Research project (Data handling task, CAPS requirement) • Bi-Monthly follow-ups to monitor and support projects at schools • Monitoring and Evaluation to

• Learners to gain an understanding and skills surrounding renewable energy, sustainability and climate change • Learners are able to design and implement renewable energy projects as potential solutions to environmental issues in their schools and community. • Academic success: Average Achievement increase for Grade 12 data handling task. • Improvement in student engagement and project facilitation by teachers • Improved teacher lesson planning skills

report on project progress, successes and challenges


When? ✓ Grade 6 & 9 = 5 WOW Programmes over 1 year Who? ✓ 25 Schools ✓ All Grade 6 learners per school = Approximately 2500 Learners ✓ All Grade 9 learners per school = Approximately 2500 Learners ✓ 250 Grade 6 and 250 Grade 9 Educators ✓ What? ✓ Educational programmes focusing on Natural Science and introductions into Energy and Electricity using practical hands-on programmes. Improvement of Scientific Method understand

PART 1 Introduction to

Solar, Wind, Bio-Eenergy

PART 2 Electrical Systems

PART 3 Fun and Practical Energy use exercises and activities


When? ✓ Grade 11 – 1 e-STEAM Camp in Term 1, 1 e- STEAM Camp in Term 3 Who? ✓ 25 Schools ✓ 500 Grade 11 learners ✓ 200 Grade 11 Educators What? ✓ 2 x 3 day, 2 night programme per school ✓ An educational programme focusing on Energy, Fossil fuels, Renewable energy alternatives, Sustainable technologies, Climate change as well as the interactions between people and the environment. All topics are aligned to the curriculum. ✓ Solar park visit and project examples introduction in preparation for project design and implementation Project examples: Solar Energy Water Heater, Solar Box Cookers, Bottle greenhouse, Solar Stil, Heat retention cookers, Dibolo-bolo, How to make a Basa Magogo fire, Syngas Stove, How to do an electric audit at school, Planting trees for Carbon capturing, Interpretive trails in the school grounds for renewable energy projects and many more

PART 1 Introduction to renewable energy concept and projects

PART 2 Visit to the solar park

PART 3 Project design

using the e-STEAM process


When? ✓ Grade 12 ✓ Who? ✓ 25 Schools

PART 1 Introduction to the research process and task requirements

PART 2 Research topic selection and design, materials and methods to be determined. PART 4 Results analysis and interpretation. Writing up and completion of projects

✓ 300 Grade 12 learners ✓ 100 Grade 12 Educators What? ✓ 2 x 5 day, 4 night programme per school ✓ WESSA e-STEAM Clean Currents Project Camp ✓ Educational camp to meet the requirements of both the CAPS required data handling task, or/as well as the research/essay writing task. ✓ Learners to conduct a research task based on their community and renewable energy. ✓ Learners are guided through the research process, from concept design, materials and methods to data collection and interpretation. ✓ Topics are focussed around the use and perceptions of renewable energy within rural communities. ✓ Apart from fulfilling the requirements of the Grade 12 data collection task, topics also support the understanding of the rural and urban settlement section of the Grade 12 Geography curriculum.

PART 3 Field work and data collection in community where school is from.


2500 Gr. 6 Learners

2500 Gr. 9 Learners

500 Gr. 11 Learners

300 Gr. 12 Learners

5800 Learners

250 Gr. 6 Teachers

250 Gr. 9 Teachers

300 Gr. 11 & 12 Teachers

800 Teachers

125 Bi- Monthly School Visits

25 Primary & 25 High Schools

180 e-STEAM Training Days @

WESSA ON WHEELS School Programmes


• Renewable Energy Wind Kits for Students • Renewable Energy Solar Kits for Students • Renewable Energy Bio-Kits for Students • Electrical Circuit boards for Students • Datalogger probes and hand-held devices for Students

MONITORING AND EVALUATION MONITORING & EVALUATION The following will be done at each of the school and teacher training programmes ✓ Learners and teachers to sign attendance registers ✓ Teachers supplied with programmes and booklets before arrival ✓ Students' complete booklets during visits, and return to school with all data and notes from programmes ✓ Continuous assessment of learners from start to end of programme ✓ Students and teachers use outcomes in classrooms to improve knowledge of subjects covered ✓ Post workshop evaluation per programme, consisting of learners with their teacher. ✓ Post course evaluation by WESSA guides after each workshop held, including which improvements can be made ✓ Trip sheet to be completed by facilitators. This includes logging mileage of vehicles to indicate the distances travelled as well as time sheets of hours worked. A summary document will be prepared to communicate all outcomes of the programme with the key participants and stakeholders. This includes: ✓ Teacher and student interactive sessions at each school, where open discussions and Q&A sessions are offered; Teacher interviews focused on each student project, their participation and the success; ✓ Analysis of student formative and summative assessments in subject specific areas to gauge knowledge acquisition and understanding; ✓ Evaluate the teacher lesson plans and specific lessons; Interview school management and HODs and subject leaders; ✓ Visits to each project, and observational evaluations of their successes; ✓ Final interviews with each project team; ✓ Final interviews with each Teacher; Project close-out questionnaires; ✓ Photographs will be taken throughout the bimonthly visits


Project Close-Out Report: ✓ A document that will be professionally design, printed and published for the funder, and for the partners involved in the project. This will also include the monitoring and evaluation findings during the project, and infographics showing impact, successes, interviews and quotations. This will also be included in WESSA’s Annual Review: The project report will be included in WESSA’s Annual Review Communications: The project will use the following media platforms to communicate to all stakeholders on the project implementation, and the success of the programme. ✓ WESSA’s Social Media Platforms: The various platforms WESSA has across the organisation will be used to communicate before, during and after the project. This will include posting of videos, photos and project details during both the WESSA e-STEAM Camps, and the bi-monthly follow-up sessions at each school. This will include live-feeds, interviews and snapshots of each project. ✓ WESSA Website – will be used to post any press releases, social media posts and specific stories for change. Follow Up/Auditing Phase ✓ Each of the schools will be visited bi-monthly to observe success of implementation of projects. ✓ WESSA will measure and compile results for teachers and students to gauge success.

Other: ✓ Summary of financial management and key line items ✓ Section 18 A certificate provided

Matthew Cocks

General Manager – Education Centres

+27 64 752 0439



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