WESSA Annual Review 2020
WESSA TWINSTREAMS WESSATwinstreams continues todeliver top-class educational experiences in the uMlalazi Forests to those adventurous school and university groups who are willing to become totally immersed in the 70-year-old natural science experiment that Dr. Ian Garland started so many years ago. The centre’s setting, along with a passionate and knowledgeable group of educators, means that participants can literally experience environmental rehabilitation, pristine coastal forest, mangroves, streams and unspoilt dune and sandy shore beaches firsthand. The re-signingof a further 30 year lease agreement has been fantastic news for WESSA Twinstreams, and with two exciting projects in collaboration with Rotary and EDTEA, means that the centre is primed for long-term sustainable growth as it develops a set of new activities and improves its facilities to cater for the needs of the 21st century school customer. The long term relationship of the centre with a number of high school groups means that the centre continues to be at the forefront of delivering high level One Research Task projects that challenge students to think outside the box, and get fully immersed in studying the natural environment. WESSA Twinstreams continues to promote and deliver environmental education programmes that are a true testimony to the legacy of some of South Africa’s most loved environmentalists of the past.
We have been coming to Twinstreams for the past 20 years and have always loved it here! Wonderful staff, fantastic facilities and top-class camps. “ ”
Just a short note to thank you for the Grade 12 project weekend. As usual Twinstreams came out with all guns blazing to make it a great experience for the learners. I must say that it has been a great pleasure to watch the growth in your staff and this amazing centre!!! Scott Anderson,
St Dominics Newcastle
Click to watch the showcase video of WESSA Twinstreams
16 Annual Review 2019-2020
Annual Review 2019-2020
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