WESSA Annual Review 2020
Presented to Mdiceni Gumede
Umnumzane Mdiceni Gumede is now 85 years old was born in what is known today as iMfolozi Game Reserve. He was employed by the Natal Veterinary Services during the campaign to eradicate the tsetse fly. After the successful campaign closed down, he joined the game department later to be called the Natal Parks Game and Fisheries Board working with Ian Player’s Sergeant Umnumzane Magqubu Ntombela. Both men were renowned for their traditional story telling on wilderness trails. He was later transferred to Lake St Lucia Game Reserve in 1959 as the reserve’s sergeant where he served with honour and integrity for 15 years. He retired from the NPB joining the Wilderness Leadership School on a full time basis guiding trails in iMfolozi Game Reserve with distinction until he retired to his farm where open cast coal mining at Somkele replaced his traditional cattle grazing area leaving him and local residents with insufferable health challenges. Umnumzane Gumede still does occasional trails for the school and with support, he is currently recording his game ranging experiences. He is a living legend - the last of the dedicated isiZulu traditional conservationists. We salute him for his outstanding contributions to conservation and environmental education over his lifetime. He is most deserving of receiving a lifetime achievement award for WESSA.
Dr Thommie Burger, WESSA CEO, and Professor Michael Kidd, WESSA Chairman with award winners.
Annual Review 2019-2020
Annual Review 2019-2020
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