WESSA Annual Review 2021

WESSA SCIENCE CENTRES The WESSA Education Centre unit registered on the SAASTA (South African Agency for Science and Technology Awareness) platform in early 2020 to become accredited Science Centres. This platform falls under the Department of Science and Innovation’s National Research Foundation (NRF) business unit, and has the mandate to advance public awareness, appreciation and engagement of science, engineering, innovation, and technology in South Africa. TheSAASTAAuditing teamspent 3days auditingour programmes, facilities, procedures, and governance structures in May 2021. The feedback was complementary about the quality of WESSA’s professional team, and the approach to delivering of scientific concepts through our programmes. They see huge potential in having WESSA as a partner because of the wide range of opportunities we bring to Science Education in South Africa. They commended our unique resources, facilities, our access to pristine natural environments and our focus on key environmental issues including biodiversity loss, climate change, environmental protection, environmental restoration, linkages to the SDGs and linkages to the National Curriculum Statement.

We are waiting with much anticipation the official accreditation and thus benefit from the many DSi funding streams.

Annual Review 2020-2021


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