WESSA Annual Review 2021
UNIVERSITY ECOTOURISM FIELD TRIPS: We are currently developing an MOU with Venda University of Technology to develop a progressive Eco-tourism training curriculum for students, using the 4 WESSA Centre’s as outdoor classrooms.
A REVIVAL OF PARTNERSHIPS AND UMNGENI VALLEY’S INVOLVEMENT IN THE UEIP The Amanzi Ethu Nobuntu Project was launched in January 2021 as a project under the UEIP, which includes SANBI, DUCT, Department of Science and Innovation and The Water Research Commission. 300 youth were placed as Eco-Rangers along the uMngeni River catchment as Eco-Rangers to both assess water quality and to improve the local habitat. uMngeni Valley hosted 20 youth in the reserve and surrounds, and our expertise in training and capacity building has also benefitted the project. uMngeni Valley plays a strategic role both in the greater catchment, and the Biosphere Reserve Project. Following on from the initial project, there are several very exciting opportunities that have come from this partnership, including projects in the Karkloof, the Middle uMngeni, and Blue lagoon. LOOKING INTO THE FUTURE There is still much uncertainty about the future of outdoor education and the school camp industry in South Africa. While the pandemic continues to affect both the education and tourism sector globally, what is very clear is that nature and experiences in the natural world are becoming more important as people realise that our planet is being negatively affected by climate change and biodiversity loss. Our centres must remain relevant, not only to welcome people of all ages and backgrounds to learn about the environment, but also to protect the special habitats where each centre operates. As a team, we are constantly exploring and innovating to create new offerings and programmes that can continue the rich legacy our centres have had in both the education and environmental protection sectors of this country.
Annual Review 2020-2021
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