WESSA Annual Review 2021
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a non-accredited skills program that emphasizes sustainable development needs through efficient impact assessment of such development. With the current global challenges, WESSA Training has incorporated this course as online training.
At the end of this program, participants understand and can interpret the various legislations related to EIA processes the need for public involvement during decision-making processes before the commencement of any activity. Learners understand the expected licenses required by proponents before their actions and the timeframe for the EIA process. Learners can differentiate which activities need a scoping, basic, or full EIA assessment and report. This course attendees have understood and can exemplify which activities are listed and require authorization from the national, provincial, or local government. Using EIA as a tool, informed decisions are guaranteed towards sustainable development. This course ended with a field trip and a virtual field trip this year, where the participants can analyse the impact of the activities they encountered on the trip, such as the picture below.
A virtual field trip where participants can analyse the impact of the activities they encountered on the trip
Although not limited to these mentioned courses above, WESSA Training invites you all to join our skills development pieces of training as we contribute to caring for the earth.
Conduct Assessment of Outcomes-Based Education (The Assessors’ course) contains 15 credits, and it is accredited with the ETDP SETA. The Assessors’ course is a five days course that is done entirely via online. A combination of training techniques is used during this course. On the one hand, readymade lecture videos are sent to the participants, and on the other hand, MS teams classes are held to consolidate what has been learned via the readymade videos. At the end of this course, participants can demonstrate an understanding of outcomes-based assessment, Prepare for assessments; Conduct assessments, Provide feedback on assessments and Review assessments. As an added benefit, WESSA Training assists all participants in registering as Assessors with ETDP SETA, LG SETA, and CathsSETA, depending on participants’ previous qualifications.
Annual Review 2020-2021
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