WESSA Annual Review 2021

Africa in 2018. This LEAF Project is situated in Grabouw, Western Cape, and responding directly to biodiversity loss challenges within the Fynbos Biome by turning two high schools into biodiversity hotspots and reconnecting people with nature. As we move forward, the WESSA Schools Programme have strategically aligned the programme to take on a more learner centred approach where youth ambassadors are the drivers of sustainability action in their schools and communities. These WESSA youth ambassadors will be nurtured to become change makers in their schools and communities through the WESSA student led environmental projects and become role models of environmental sustainability. As a way of growing our own timber we hope that these youth ambassadors will develop into WESSA Alumni and continue with their work in our youth programmes and projects. CONTRIBUTING TO TRANSFORMED HUMAN CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT IN THE SECTOR THROUGH OUR YOUTH INITIATIVES Through the National Youth Resilience Initiative’s [NYRI] Ambassador Network , WESSA in collaboration with Activate Change Drivers, is empowering a national pool of inspirational young South Africans to respond, with knowledge and new competencies, to the call to action by President Ramaphosa on 16 June 2021 for youth to “rise to the challenge of leading our recovery after the coronavirus [where] this pandemic provides us with an opportunity to inject new perspectives into how we can turn our economy around, but also how we can reimagine our very society!” The NYRI, commissioned by the Department of Women, Youth and People with Disabilities in partnership with the GIZ Inclusive Violence and Crime Prevention Programme, remains close to the ministry with the department’s Deputy Minister, Prof Mkhize, being an active contributor to the growth path of the ambassadors. Phase 1 will close out in November 2021 with the partner structure currently engaging on future phases. Capitalising on the need to build a stronger green economy, the WESSA Groen Sebenza Project , in partnership with the Department of Forestry Fisheries and Environment, will build youth capacity to address the environmental issues and opportunities in South Africa through job creation and professional development, resource management and entrepreneurial skills for 171 work-based youth interns. WESSA is working with over 75 diverse host organisations inclusive of all levels of government and civil society to bring a growth mindset to the green economy agenda. Given that our country is extraordinarily rich in youth capital for a more resilient, sustainable and just future, WESSA recognises that this capital remains largely untapped and definitely under- optimised. Driving an agenda for a more resilient and informed youth sector who are capacitated to act for environmental, social, political and sustainable justices, who are positioned as entrants to professional spaces in the green and blue economy and who are enabled to lead into our immediate future is what drives WESSA Youth!

GROEN SEBENZA By positioning our work, through projects like the NYRI and the Groen Sebenza, we are highlighting our intent to identify, develop and unleash this capital proactively and productively into our country’s growth agenda. Further to this, WESSA Youth is undertaking the exciting task of bringing together, and coordinating for change, all youth that have been influenced by the organisation’s reach across its units and divisions in an attempt to create one of the largest NGO affiliated youth movements for a better world. These “ WESSA Alumni ” permeate almost all sectors of the social fabric of South Africa and provide WESSA Youth with an unprecedented and catalytic potential to have a substantive impact in shaping our future where the agenda is mindful of youth perspectives that enable transformative youth actions. The South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) embarked on a major skills development and job creation pilot programme in 2013 and named it Groen Sebenza . Starting out as a Jobs Fund Partnership Project funded by the National Treasury aimed at developing priority skills in the biodiversity sector to create sustainable job opportunities for unemployed graduates and non-graduates. The project matches young South Africans from previously disadvantaged backgrounds with experienced biodiversity professionals to learn and gain the competence and confidence to embark on rewarding and meaningful biodiversity careers.

A very special thank you to the WESSA Schools and Youth team for their continued personal and professional investment in our programmes and projects to help schools and youth craft more inclusive, transformative

Starting of the Biodiversity garden with the learners at Groenberg Secondary school

and meaningful pathways for the future we need.

Workplace experience through a structured mentoring, skills development and training programme.

Our track record of more than 10 years partnering with government on work- based training has positioned WESSA Youth to influence, through integrated learning and work- based experience, the trajectory towards a stronger green economy for South Africa which talk to the Environmental Sector Skills Plan and the local government needs assessment to address deficits in Resource Guardianship, biodiversity conservation, alien species control and water quality management.


The objective of Groen Sebenza is to bridge the gap between education and job opportunities in the biodiversity sector and the green economy , aiming to develop priority

skills in the biodiversity sector in order to generate sustainable jobs for unemployed graduates and matriculants. South Africa’s green economy offers substantial opportunities for job

creation and development, particularly in biodiversity and natural resource management.

12 Annual Review 2020-2021

Annual Review 2020-2021


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