WESSA Coastal Newsletter March 2021
Brand new Ford Ranger for Blue Flag thanks to the Ford Wildlife Foundation!
WESSA was excited to receive a brand new Ford Ranger sponsored from Ford South Africa and the Ford Wildlife Foundation. The vehicle will be used to support the WESSA Blue Flag programme and WESSA Tourism Blue Flag project all along the SA coastline. The vehicle will be travelling to all Blue Flag beaches, boats and marinas throughout the year making sure each of our partners are supported to provide the healthiest and safest coastal tourism sites to the South African public. WESSA is grateful to Ford for the continued support!
Vince Shacks and Tevya Lotriet recieving the new vehicle from Ford Mekor in Cape Town.
Blue Flag Beaches in South Africa with amphibious wheelchairs Amphibious wheelchairs are innovative in that they can move easily on sand and float in water. This allows people with mobility challenges to have universal access to the beach and ocean.
You can find beach wheelchairs or amphibious wheelchairs at these beaches in South Africa:
Muizenberg Kleinmond Grotto Lappiesbaai Still Bay Robberg 5 Western Cape
Dolphin Kings Humewood Hobie Eastern Cape
uShaka Point Amanzimtoti KwaZulu-Natal
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