WESSA Glencore report 2022

Johannes Kananda Primary School


through the different types of waste.

Johannes Kananda Primary School is situated in KwaGuqa township in eMalahleni, Mpumalanga. The area is challenged with socio economic challenges, such as poverty and community safety. The food garden project which supplements the schools feeding scheme has sparked an interest in some community members to request for gardening space at the school to start their community subsistence food garden. The teachers at Johannes Kananda Primary School have attended several workshops which have contributed to their professional development and helped them with their teaching. Learners and teachers started getting involved in environmental projects and started celebrating environmental calendar days The school celebrated World Animal Day by taking learners to Ezemvelo Nature Reserve where they were able to explore different animal species and learnt about the importance of animal protection. After realizing the amount of waste in and outside of the school, an initiative was taken to create awareness on sustainable waste management practices. Learners took part in a clean-up campaign around the school and were taken

Biodiversity gardens were created using recycled tyres which the learners collected. Teachers have started using the garden as their teaching tool, allowing the learners to touch, smell and feel the plants which they are learning about


It’s been rewarding to see Johannes Kananda Primary School starting to generate an income through selling their vegetable produce to the teachers and community. The profit made is used to support other projects and school needs.

The food garden is providing access to food to vulnerable learners and community members The skills gained are being used to build resilience by ensuring the community is food secure.

“When I taught the process of photosynthesis in term one, I took the learners outside in the food garden for the practical lesson. Learners were able to easily grasp the topic and enjoyed learning outside.”

Eco Teacher: Johannes Kananda Primary School


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