WESSA Glencore report 2022

Maloma Primary School

Learners working in the food garden



Maloma Primary joined the WESSA Eco-Schools Programme in 2018. Since then, the Eco- committee and the school community has gained so much knowledge about sustainability and how to look after the environment . The school has a challenge with waste management and littering especially after weekends as the school accommodates church groups on weekends. After much engagements with the church, the Glencore project supplied Maloma Primary with labelled recycling bins. The recycling project has changed the learners’ and churchgoers’ perspectives on waste . The community learned that nothing should be regarded as waste Water scarcity was a huge challenge at Maloma and the school struggled with maintenance of the schools food garden. The school’s water tank has helped to catch and conserve rainwater during droughts which is used for irrigation in the food garden.

Learners learning about the aliens plants impact on biodiversity


SUSTAINABILITY AND FUTURE PROJECTS Maloma Primary School teachers hope to inspire every learner at their school to adopt sustainable lifestyles and to take care of the environment. They also want to raise awareness on pollution which is one of biggest environmental challenges in eMalahleni. The Eco Committee consists of 10 learners, two School Governing Body (SGB) members and one community member and two teachers. Mrs Manyaka who is one of the lead teachers expressed that she received training in subsistence farming which has helped her to assist some parents to improve their farming skills. Maloma Primary School won a certificate in the District for being a healthy school Since joining the Eco-Schools programme there has been noticeable positive changes in the school environment The recycling programme includes collection of bread tags and paper, which the school sells to raise funds to buy other equipment such as gardening tools and recycling bins. Mrs Manyaka says the workshops have assisted her professionally as she is now able to integrate practical skills when teaching Mathematics or Life Skills.

Eco-Schools Award ceremony

‘’People have learned that nothing should be

regarded as waste. Throughout my eco-journey I have realised that caring for the environment has a way of changing how people see themselves and that they can connect with nature in many ways.’’

Millicent Melissa Manyaka Eco Teacher


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