WESSA Glencore report 2022

Siyathokoza Primary School


VEGETABLE FOOD GARDEN Siyathokoza Primary School is in a mining area in Mpumalanga under the Nkangala district in Phola in Emalahleni. The school has been part of the WESSA Eco-Schools programme since 2018 and are appreciative of the support they are getting from WESSA through their determination, partnership, and encouragement to be ambassadors of the environment we live in. Siyathokoza Primary School is about enriching the mind and environment by investing in quality environmental education. The school is motivated to do better and live in harmony within their diverse community. The food garden was started as a way of alleviating hunger due to socio-economic issues The Eco committee planted spinach, onions, and green peppers. Through the engagement sessions with the WESSA coordinator and being hands-on in the garden the learners have developed life skills that they implement at home. Learners are now equipped to start gardens at home, use the necessary skills and tools to grow the crops,

LEARNING ABOUT OUR BIODIVERISTY Waste management projects through recycling have been implemented in the school to reduce to the amount of litter on the school premises. The waste and recycling process at Siyathokoza Primary School includes raising awareness about the importance of the environment, the impacts of the littering and improper disposal of waste, and the 3Rs. It’s great to see the progress made at the school from waste sorting, collection and monitoring regulation of the waste management process. The biodiversity garden was an exciting project for the learners and teachers. Creating the garden and witnessing the results has been very rewarding to the school community. Teachers and learners have learnt new indigenous plant species and their value. The storyboards are being used for the outdoor lessons and more succulents are being added to the garden as teachers acquire new plant knowledge.


“The information and knowledge gained from the project is unmatched, constant

and have gained knowledge on the benefit of those vegetables. During the hard lockdown vulnerable learners were able to receive a constant food supply to take

support and level of understanding keep us on our toes and we hope this partnership continues with our school as we have seen the amazing impact it has on the learners and the school through the years.”

home. The teachers made use of the garden and have been able to integrate the action project to the school curriculum.

Siyathokoza Primary School Eco Teacher

eMalahleni Glencore Eco-Schools Project: IMPACT REPORT 2022 23

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