WESSA Strategic Review Report_2022
Educate Our Education and Training will become more intentional to foreground human rights and civic power, community priorities and participation, and agency and advocacy. We will re-focus WESSA Training to become an empowerment tool for South African citizens to be able to act in terms of the environmental issues they want to address in their own communities.
FOCUS AREAS OF DELIVERY – OUR THEORY OF CHANGE The golden thread of WESSA’s work is based on education and advocacy with the aim to inspire, drive, enable and support citizen action. This is what we believe will ultimately move the needle in addressing the environmental crises we are in - getting citizens to act!
In Schools • Work with learners, teachers, leadership
With Youth
• WESSA Youth Alumni Network • The biggest active network of youth
New approach
In Community
• Reactive to Community priorities • Train women
We will be visible and vocal, constructively critical and scientific and objective in our calls to action.
We already do this well and will continue to excel at this with materials and approaches developed to fit the new strategic themes.
We will design, mobilise and implement action projects that deliver outcomes aligned with our thematic areas.
Through Policy
• Simplify information • Spaces for participation • Hold leaders accountable • Create ‘Protect your community’ WESSA training
We are already working in the fields of education, training and conservation projects. A renewed focus area for us will be the emphasis on advocacy and its role in addressing persistent problems of biodiversity, pollution and climate threats.
With Corporate SA
• Long-term partnering • Create certification/Eco-label
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