African Wildlife And Environment Issue 73
Searsia pyriodes (Firethorn Rhus) Cussonia paniculata (Highveld Cabbage Tree) Euclea crispa (Blue guarri) Halleria lucida (Tree Fuschia) Small trees Volkameria glabrum (=Clerodendrum glabrum) (Smooth Tinderwood), Afrocanthium gilfillanii (Velvet Rock-alder) Rhamnus prinoides (Dogwood) Ehretia rigida (Puzzle Bush) Zanthoxylon capense (Small Knobwood) Heteromorpha trifoliata (Parsley Tree) Englerophytum magaliesmontanum (Stamvrug) Shrubs Diospyros lycioides (Bluebush) Pavetta gardeniifolia var gardeniifolia (Christmas Bride’s Bush) Pavetta lanceolata (Bride’s Bush) Buddleja saligna (False Olive) Myrsine africana (Cape Myrtle) Hypoestes aristata (Ribbon Bush) Asparagus species, including A. laricinus (Bushveld Asparagus) A. plumosus (Asparagus Fern) Strychnos pungens (Spine-leaved Monkey Orange) Smaller plants (herbaceous species, bulbs, grasses) Ledebouria revoluta (Common African Hyacinth), Scadoxus puniceus (Paint Brush) Themeda triandra (Red Grass / Rooigras) Hyparrhenia hirta (Common Thatching Grass) Setaria sphacelata (Golden Bristle Grass) Melinis nerviglumis (Bristle Leaved Red Top Grass) Aloe greatheadii var davyana (Kleinaalwyn/ Grasaalwyn) Helichrysum species Sansevieria hyacinthoides (Mother-in-Law’s Tongue) Lantana rugosa (Birds’ Brandy) A. falcatus (Large Forest Asparagus) Carissa bispinosa (Forest Num-num) Vangueria infausta (Wild Medlar)
Nature plants trees close together for a very good reason
For a tall Bush Clump you are unrestricted as to the height of trees used. It is a good idea though, to consider the gap between tallest shrubs and lowest branches of the tall trees. The idea of the bushclump is to create almost a ‘ball’ of vegetation from the outside – so that there is no great break in leaf cover. For a medium-height Bush Clump, use smaller trees or large shrubs instead of tall trees. Some good species to use as the tallest component would be Acacia caffra, Afrcanthium gilfillanii, Euclea crispa, Halleria lucida, or Combretum molle . A Bush Clump for a small garden will need short species to create the backbone of the feature. For this Afrocanthium gilfillanii , Diospiros lycioides, Heteromorpha trifoliata , or Volkameria glabrum (=Clerodendrum glabrum) might be a good idea. If the Bush Clump is to enhance such a small garden as that of a townhouse, consider pruning up the lower branches to be able to see into the Bush Clump, or even create a seating space within it.
Heather Balcomb Random Harvest
Pavetta lanceolata attracts abundant wildlife to the bush clump
35 | African Wildlife & Environment | Issue 73 (2019)
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