African Wildlife And Environment Issue 73


Artworks to inspire RECYCLING

T he CEO’s Special Award was awarded to Grade 8 learner, Kabelo Khutlhelang from Thuto ke Maatla Secondary in Groot Marico. Kabelo Khutlhelang has earned a picnic table made from recycled plastic for the school campus. This will be a reminder to all learners that by recycling waste something useful and lasting can be created. The following ten entrants will be receiving a tablet for their creations: Daniel Ellis St Francis College (Gr 5), Kabelo Phege Groot Marico Academy (Gr 7), Camryn Bothma Kenridge Primary School (Gr 7), Anida Theron Laurus Primary School (Gr 7), Dohann Schoonbee Bersig Academy (Gr 8), Kabelo Khutlhelang Thuto ke Maatla Secondary (Gr 8), Nadine Parsotham Heather Secondary (Gr 10), Braydon Carolus St Colmcille Secondary (Gr 10), Alexander Fourie Ridgeway College (Gr 10) and Karabo Lebatlang Grenville High (Gr 10). The entries can be viewed on WESSASchoolsProgramme. Mr Bubele Nyiba, the ROSE Foundation’s Chief Executive Officer, selected a personal favourite artwork for an extra award. The oil recycling rocks competition run by WESSA on behalf of the ROSE foundation had over 60 colourful entries from KwaZulu Natal, the Western and Eastern Cape, the Free State, North West and Limpopo provinces.

Cathy Dzerefos

Alexander Moolman - St Francis College (Gr 6)

Daniel Ellis - St Francis College (Gr 5)

Alexander Fourie - Ridgeway College(Gr 10)

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