Birds of the Magaliesberg 2023

Grasslands Grassland patches occur on the northern and lower slopes of the Magaliesberg as well as over the rolling hills of the Cradle, where one finds an endangered grassland type namely Egoli Granite Grasslands. The predominant grass species is Red Grass (Themeda triandra), with large tracts of Thatch grass normally found along the road verges. This habitat is very prone to fires throughout the year and plays host to a number of species after such a fire. Unfortunately, many of these fires are caused by arsonists which result in a major impact on the environment, especially with hot fires damaging tree species like the Wild Syringa and impacting on the wetlands.

Burning grasslands are a common sight in the Magaliesberg especially in winter

Burnt grasslands with aloes in flower in the Cradle area

Rolling grasslands in the Cradle area

Grasslands with Wild Syringa, Kgaswane game reserve

Grasslands in Crocodile river reserve area in the Cradle

Mountain Crest This is a relatively barren landscape with many loose rocks making walking difficult. The main cover is short grass and herblike plants. The endemic Aloe peglerae (Turk’s cap aloe) occurs here.These aloes flower end July are frequented by the Cape Rock Thrush which is one of the pollinators.Wessa Northern Areas is running a project to replant the Aloe back in the Magaliesberg. Typical of this high habitat are Rock Thrushes, Alpine Swift, Peregrine and Lanner Falcons, Rock Kestrels and Cape Vulture. With the Verreauxs’ Eagle found in a number of localities, often seen hunting in pairs, as they skim the crest in search of prey. Shelleys Francolin is found in these habitats and Ground Woodpecker are known to occur.

Patches of grassland in the Hartbeespoort dam area

Kgaswane Mountain Reserve High grasslands

BIRDS OF THE Magaliesberg Biosphere | Page 11

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