Birds of the Magaliesberg 2023
Crest of the mountain near Nooitgedacht
South facing slopes These slopes are cooler and moister than the Northern side, with distinct Protea caffra belts. Grasslands occur up towards the Southern sheer cliffs, with dense bush lower down consisting of “Acacia”* species, like the Common Hook Thorn, some Sweet Thorn, as well as a number of Karee sp, Wild Olive, Highveld Cabbage tree etc. Many of these birds , like the Wild Olives and White Stinkwood. These tree species attract a large number of fruit eating birds during fruiting season, such as Red-winged Starlings, African Olive, and Green Pigeons.
Exploring the boulder strewn crest near De Wildt
On crest looking towards Nooitgedacht towers
Looking West from Breedts Nek pass
Close views can be had when going up in the Harties Cableway and an example of a typical rock formation (cliffs)
Southern slopes Rietfontein
Very susceptible to fires especially in winter
The top of the Magaliesberg in De Wildt area
View up the Moot valley towards Pretoria
BIRDS OF THE Magaliesberg Biosphere | Page 12
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