EK Vol 38 Nature & YOU!
ENTERTAINMENT CORNER Is that you hiding in the fynbos? The team at Creative Nature, a company that aims to weave creative play and art with serious science, has created colour-in masks inspired by the animals that live in fynbos! Fynbos is a remarkable group of plants (including proteas) found mostly in South Africa’s Cape region. The artist, Kate Muller, tells us she decided on masks because ‘pretending to be an animal gives you a unique look into its world’. The lively designs include a caracal, Cape sugarbird, Cape porcupine, spotted eagle owl and Cape cobra.
Spotted eagle owl 1. Sit upright on your haunches. 2. Put your palms together behind your back to close your wings. 3. Make your eyes wide and slowly move your head from side to side.
Benefits : strengthens legs, improves balance and focus
Psst! Creative Nature designed a special mask just for us! Find it on page 21 and see how you could win a set of masks.
The spotted eagle owl likes to nest in holes in trees or on the ground in thick vegetation – what we’re doing here!
Owls have large eyes that help them to see at night. Their necks are so flexible that they can look behind them – but they cannot spin their heads in a full circle!
Get cracking with your tracking In Tracker Manual: A Practical Guide to Animal Tracking in Southern Africa (Struik Nature), expert trackers Alex van den Heever, Renias Mhlongo and Karel Benadie share their secrets to finding and interpreting the small and big signs left by 160 animals, including birds and insects. We think the “Can be confused with…” section is a stroke of genius! Complete our crossword on page 21 and you could win a copy of this handy tool for every aspiring junior ranger.
© Jessica Ney*
Wild dog 1. Come onto all fours as you did
Catch our interview with Renias on page 16.
© Jan van Wyk*
When a hare meets a hero… This charming illustrated storybook tells us what happens when Mr Hare discovers a R200 note on his doormat. The money has Mr Mandela’s face on it, so Mr Hare decides he must return the note to its rightful owner. This involves a long journey from the bush to Johannesburg and all kinds of adventures along the way. To win a copy of Mr Hare Meets Mr Mandela (Jacana), see page 8.
in spotted hyena pose (step 1). Breathe in. 2. As you breathe out, lift your flashy wild dog tail towards the sky, straightening your arms and legs to create a triangle shape with your body. 3. Keep breathing! Wild dogs have white-tipped tails that act as a ‘follow me’ sign to their pack.
Benefits : strengthens the upper arms, aligns the spine
A family-friendly classroom Monty Brett offers a range of online courses, which means you can learn about your favourite wildlife and birds in the comfort of your home. All you have to do is book and pay for your favourite course (from R160 to R1 900), turn up online
Let’s finish up… Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms at your sides, palms facing up. Let your feet drop open. Close your eyes, and stay there as long as you like…
at the scheduled time and enjoy the live lecture. You’ll also receive a recording of the session afterwards. Share your wild yoga pose and you could win a 90-minute online course.
Find a list of upcoming courses at www.montybrett.com.
Send us photos of your new “wild pose” and you could win one of 3 online wildlife courses. Find more info on page 13.
12 EnviroKids Vol. 38(2), Winter 2017
EnviroKids Vol. 38(2), Winter 2017 13
Words Renata Harper
Words Suzie Manson, Lara Potgieter & Renata Harper, Photos Alison Dingle
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