EK Vol 38 Nature & YOU!
WHAT do I need to be a junior ranger?
Welcome, young rangers! EnviroKids and Junior FGASA have teamed up to bring you the best tips, tricks and tools as we together explore our beautiful world! Look out for the series in every future issue of EnviroKids.
A smartphone for taking photos so you can keep records and identify plants or creatures, or for recording video or audio. Binoculars are always handy, especially for birding. A magnifying glass for the tiny guys. A bug box is helpful for catching critters (always check with an adult if it is safe to do so). When you’re done observing, please release the little creature exactly where you found it. Before you head out into the great outdoors, remember a hat , sunblock , water and closed , comfortable shoes .
WHO is a junior ranger? You are, of course! You have a passion and a love for nature. You love to explore outdoors (or to learn about nature when you’re indoors!). You are a young person who notices a beautiful sunset or stops to listen to the melody of a bird. Of course, it’s not always easy being a junior ranger. It bothers you to see litter or wasted water and it can be a challenge to draw the attention of others to nature (especially adults; they’re always so busy).
A bug box is anything that can be used to observe a little creature for a short while. A good example is a glass jar with holes punched into the lid for air.
WHEN can I be a junior ranger? All the time… day and night, in winter
© Stefan Kruger*
and summer and autumn and spring! There is so much to see and discover. Diurnal animals are active during the day (like you). At night a whole different group of animals starts moving around – they are called nocturnal. Before going to bed, take a few minutes to see who is out and about and what they are up to!
© Joan D’Arcy*
HOW do I become a junior ranger? Become aware of the fauna and flora in your area. What are the animals doing, what do they choose from the menu, and have they built homes? What plants do you have growing in your region – do they belong in South Africa? When do they flower and what animals or insects are attracted to them (and why?). What is the weather doing and how is your environment responding to it? Where does your water come from? Is there a river or dam close to you? Do you see pollution? These are just some of the questions junior rangers ask themselves every day.
WHY be a junior ranger? Because it’s the most important job in the world. Nature needs people just like YOU! You teach others to love our remarkable planet – and one day you will be taking care of it. As a junior ranger, you show how important it is to look after nature and how each and every one of us can make a difference. And it’s so much fun! The natural world is full of surprises and will never stop amazing you.
© Marc Cronje*
© Tamsyn du Toit*
WHERE can I be a junior ranger? Anywhere! You don’t have to go to a National Park or nature reserve to be a junior ranger. You can be one in your back garden, in your local park, or at your school. Nature is everywhere. There is an insect party going on under nearly every rock and that tree over there is home to a whole family of creatures!
Join Junior FGASA FGASA (Field Guides Association of Southern Africa) is the official organisation that certifies local nature guides. Junior FGASA’s Pangolin programme is a fun, interactive course especially designed for nature enthusiasts between 8 and 12 years old. (If you’re older, the Wild Dog programme is for you!) To get your Junior FGASA certificate, you need to complete all the workbooks, which cover topics like bushveld, desert and river safaris, birds, reptiles, insects and ocean life.
© Jacqui Raby*
Find out how you can become a Junior FGASA member and get started on the programme at www.fgasa.co.za/membership/ junior-membership.
© Heather Wilson*
© Barbara de Leeuw-Morrison*
14 EnviroKids Vol. 38(2), Winter 2017
EnviroKids Vol. 38(2), Winter 2017 15
Words Nadine Clarke
Words Nadine Clarke
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