Green_Key_South_Africa_brochure_-_May 2019
Green Key aims to increase the use of environmentally friendly and sustainable methods of operation and technology in tourism establishments, thereby reducing the overall pressure on resources. Green Key also aims to raise awareness and cultivate behavioural changes in guests, staff and suppliers at individual establishments in the hospitality and tourism industry.
Joining the Green Key programme offers establishments many benefits:
Green Key provides an active response to the increasing expectation by consumers that tourism establishments are actively working towards achieving sustainability. The programme helps tourism establishments strive for sustainability in a structured way. Participation in the programme contributes to reduced running costs at tourism establishments through, for example, lower energy and water consumption. The establishment’s sustainability efforts are recognised by an independent non-profit organisation. Green Key has collaborative agreements with several online booking companies, including Expedia and (an online booking website that uses hotel data from People using these online booking websites will be able to select environmentally friendly accommodation from highly ranked certification systems and eco-labels such as Green Key , helping them to travel more sustainably.
The Green Key award is a leading standard of excellence in the field of environmental responsibility and sustainable operations within the tourism industry. Green Key helps establishments reduce their environmental footprint without compromising on comfort and quality. This prestigious eco-label represents a commitment from tourism A STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE
establishments to maintain high environmental standards, and an
assurance to guests that their support of such an establishment helps to make a difference on an environmental and sustainability level.
Awarded to 3 000 establishments (and counting) in 5 7 countries around the world, the Green Key award for tourism facilities has been in existence for longer than 20 years and is the largest global eco-label for accommodation. It is recognised and supported by the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and the Global Sustainable Tourism Council. Green Key is a programme of the international Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) which also runs the Blue Flag and Eco-Schools programmes implemented by WESSA in South Africa. Green Key has partnered with two international hotel chains – Rezidor Hotel Group and Starwood Hotels and Resorts – that recognise the innate value of the eco-label in making their establishments more sustainable. AN INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF SUSTAINABILITY
Our criteria have been developed in partnership with experts and we are
For an establishment to earn a Green Key it must comply with a set of requirements within the following categories:
constantly searching for new and sustainable methods of operation and use of technology to reduce the overall environmental footprint by cutting down on energy and water usage, and curtailing waste. This innovative approach helps ensure that Green Key remains a trusted symbol of excellence, and that our sites are constantly encouraged to improve on their efforts.
Staff Involvement Environmental Management Corporate Social Responsibility Guest Information Water Washing and Cleaning
Waste Energy
Food and Beverage Indoor Environment Green Areas
Transportation Administration
The Green Key application is a three-part process:
Green Key South Africa is operated by the Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa (WESSA), a leading implementer of environmental and conservation initiatives for more than 90 years, and a trusted and effective NGO project partner. WESSA has implemented eco-labels in South Africa for more than 15 years. By joining the Green Key programme you will also be affiliating with WESSA and may use the organisation’s logo to promote this partnership. Visit to learn more about what we do.
1. Application: In preparation for the first award, an application form must be completed and submitted together with supporting documentation. To earn subsequent awards, the applicant must submit updates to the original application.
2. Audits:
On-site audits are carried out in year 1 (before the first award), in year 2 and every third year thereafter. Off-site audits are carried out in the years between on-site audits.
R o xanne Dovey
3. Decision-making:
072 713 353 4
The National Jury assesses all applications to decide on the Green Key awards.
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