WESSA Phase 1 report to HHCT_28.10.2021

Professional technical staff

Professional support staff

Beneficiaries (learners, teachers, interns)

Governance systems and processes

Members and volunteers


Organizational infrastructure

Other NGOs

Policy makers

Fixed assets


Financial assets

The WESSA Ecosystem

‘Human capital’.. Knowledge & skills

Funders & investors

Action plans, workstreams & working groups Organizational culture, brand, trust, credibility

WESSA Board Strategic plan

Figure 1. The WESSA ecosystem, with strong contributions in dark blue and weak contributions shaded more lightly. The ecosystem is balanced on the WESSA Board, strategic plan, action plans and the organization culture, brand, trust and credibility

4.1 Connectedness and disconnectedness within the WESSA ecosystem

• The resilience of the WESSA ecosystem hinges on connectedness among and between elements • Strengthening these connections through trust building, communication and presenting a crisp value proposition to stakeholders is an important opportunity • Strong connections include: the link between staff, infrastructure and sub-contracting clients; the links between professional technical and support staff • Weak connections include the link between members and volunteers and professional staff; between internal governance processes, as well as governance of members and volunteers; between clients, donors and investors and tangible assets • Lack of a common bond that brings various stakeholder groups together around a collective vision has caused many of the disconnects.


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